
Wednesday 21 September 2016

Kauris Loud Shirt Day

WAL: about Loud T-shirt day. Loud T-shirt day is about deaf people. The key Ideas we came up with as a class is. Bright T Shirt, Clothes, To help people that are deaf, Hearing aids, Animal onesies, Build Team spirit, Mexican and also to help deaf people hear again. We are celebrating the Kiwi Kids that have been born with it or that have been around loud stuff like Lawn mowers but most deaf people they get affected from playing music too loud.

Some kids if they are really deaf or don't like hearing aids they wear Cochlear implants. Cochlear implants is something they put some medal inside just above your ear and you grab these things that look like hearing aids and they connect it to the Cochlear implant and they can hear. They have to get used to it before they can finally hear, it takes a very long time to get used to it because it is such a very big thing. Thats all I have to say and thanks for viewing my work.


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