
Tuesday 7 August 2018

Inquiry Russian Migrants - Kauri

Today I and my buddy Nathaniel had to present our inquiry about migrant. The country we did was Russia.

Pull reasons were
And the push reasons were there were heaps if ‘push reasons’ why most Russians migrated from Russia to New Zealand. One of the many push reasons is the fact that they most Russians migrated from Russia when the Soviet Union broke up in 2013 when there were approximately 5,500 Russians living in New Zealand. Another push reason is that they were forced or pushed out of their country due to the damage from the second World War.

And the pull reasons There are many pull reasons for why the Russians had migrated to NZ.

Here are some examples of a few ‘pull reasons’. The reasons why a lot of Russian people migrated from R Russia to New Zealand is because they discover mines and also to live a good life. They also wanted to get away from Russia because there was a lot of war in their country which then forced them to migrant to another country which then decided to come to New Zealand.


sonya robertson said...

Good team effort Kauri, I enjoyed your presentation today.

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