When I woke up from a deep deep sleep. I blinked and blinked again it felt like I was in a dream.
I thought I was imagining stuff around me. Then I opened the curtain expecting that there is going to be a beautiful sun rise. But there was a problem. My neighbours outside pointed up and said there is no sun. I got changed into my uniform then put on my converses and got ready to go to school. When I walked out of the door…
I saw my friend Toma. He looked frightened. “Where do you think the sun has gone?” He cried. I shook my head and said “I don’t know! But I am freezing!” Toma said “I’m going to go back home. This is too freaky.” I tried to continue on my journey to school, but...
It was spooky and dark like super super super tinted windows all around me.
I couldn't see anything around me. Then I arrived at school there was no one there, No kids, No teachers they probably thought it was still nighttime and I was even more scared. My heart was pumping 20 km per hour I was shaking like I was cold. So I made my way back to home walking down the street. Then I suddenly fell over a piece of wood and grazed my knee.
It was sore but I had to make my way home without moaning.
Finally I made my way home safely but not thinking of how I fell over the wood.
I walked in my door and took of my uniform and shoes then run me a bath.
When the bath was finished I went in it and my graze on my knee was stinging.
Then I finished the bath and went to sleep at 9.30pm.
The next day the sun rises up and I was happy and my whole neighbourhood were impressed too.
Then I put my uniform on and converses and said to myself…