
Tuesday 1 May 2018

Anzac day

What does Anzac Day mean to you?

To me Anzac means people from Australia and New Zealand show respect to the people who have fought in the war just so we could live in freedom today. This is a very important day because a lot of men didn't have a choice but to go to war. When they were about 16/18 they had no choice they had to go to war because it was the only option they gave to them. To show respect, people wear their parents or granddad medals so they can keep the tradition going. They also  wear poppies because it was where most soldiers had fallen dead on field with poppies.

Why is it important to commemorate Anzac Day?

 It is important to commemorate the day when Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars. We remember contribution and suffering of all those who have served.

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